Eligibility - JDT Aeronautical TestingJDT Aeronautical Testing



To qualify, you must:

Be a legal resident of (or otherwise eligible for employment in) the United States; and

Be able to receive and transmit spoken messages in English; and

Pass a written and/or telegraphy examination(s) as described below under Examinations.

Term of License

Issued for the holder's lifetime.

Price Inclusions and Details

Class minimum Size for Stateside Locations are 10

Class Minimum Size for Overseas Locations are 15

8 Hours for 2 days for testing and preparation

All filing with FCC done after testing

Session Price includes Preparation, Testing, FCC, Filing and Materials (Study and Testing) fees


There is no set place for this license to be used. If can be used with most companies as many have communications departments. The Radar will help as the communications industry moves forward and the requirements become more restricted. It is important to note that this license is something that can get a person more pay starting out and extra pay later depending on the company they use it for. This is not merely restricted to Aircraft or Nautical jobs. This is a communications license so it can be used from Aircraft for military and commercial to Nautical ships, satellites, Radio Stations and more. It really depends on how a person markets it and uses it to their advantage. However, it will give them a leg up on others with degrees without the experience that this license targets. As well as it can help with those that may not have a degree in Communication Equipment. This also applies as a maintainer and operator’s license.

Engineer or Technician?

(What the difference?/How do I know which I should apply for?)

Engineers know the math and the physics. Technicians know the instruments and test setups. Engineers need good writing and verbal skills. Technicians need to know the pitfalls of real measurements. All applicants have to be competent in the fundamentals, i.e., coupling, filters, shielding, etc. as well as the specifications which apply to their particular specialty.

For all Industry based licenses contact for detailed eligibility requirements via the Contact Us page, Facebook or Linkedin